A New Social Contract for a mentally healthier society

A New Social Contract for a mentally healthier society | Centre for Mental Health 

The devastating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic demands an urgent renewal plan for the nation’s mental health to avoid crisis, according to an unprecedented coalition of over 50 voluntary and social sector organisations which has written to the Prime Minister to call for a cross-government approach to put the nation’s mental health at the heart of its Covid-19 recovery plan.

Samaritans, Mental Health UK, Mind, Rethink Mental Illness, Mental Health Foundation, Centre for Mental Health, Young Minds and the Association of Mental Health Providers are among the charities joined by voices from across the voluntary sector who warn that the system will fail to cope with an increase in demand without a comprehensive and fundamentally new approach to mental health, which both prevents and responds to the damage inflicted on the nation’s mental health by Covid-19. The coalition is asking the Prime Minister to convene a cross-governmental group to work with the sector and provide the financial and political backing to develop policy and unlock crucial funding across England.

Further detail: “Business as usual is not an option”: Prime Minister urged to create new Mental Health Renewal Plan for England

Full publication: A New Social Contract for a mentally healthier society

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